Download Nik Rom Jelly Bean Service Pack 10 for KingZone K1 Turbo smartphone

Download Nik Rom Jelly Bean Service Pack 10 for KingZone K1 Turbo smartphone from here, here or here. You can download Nik Rom Jelly Bean Service Pack 8 for KingZone K1 Turbo smartphone from here.

Archive: K1T_Nik-Rom-JB-SP10
Model: KingZone K1 Turbo smartphone
Image file size: 355 MB
Platform: Mediatek MTK6592
Build number: bird92_wet_jb9-user 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.nikoz47.1393336381 test-keys

What's new
- FIX a problem Flip cover
- Based on the firmware from 15.08.2014
- Integrated 235 Sound Patch
- Transparent popups + vintage design
- Lots of tweaks build.prop and init.d to improve performance, energy efficiency
- The patch improves the operation of the GPS
- Deodex, rooted, added BusyBox
- Replacing the standard wallpapers
- Automatic restart after flashing
- Flash supports various file systems such as NTFS
- Butanimatsiya from Xperia (Deleted logo Xperia first butanimatsii)
- Keyboard Xperia (Stock is also available)
- Working Xposed + GravityBox + Advanced Power Menu
- Cut unnecessary garbage (without fanaticism, as in previous builds)
- Library improves the sound
- Patch notification light
- The required number to convert SMS to MMS changed from 4 to 15
- Disabled icon “Debugging is enabled” when you connect your phone as a flash drive

Installed additional software: Nova Launcher (instead of stock), Nova Notifier, Flash Player, Root Explorer, Dual Sim Ringtone, Viper4Android, Cpu Spy, Cpu monitor, Paragon NTFS HFS + Mounter, MxPlayer Pro, CallRecoreder, Titanium Backup

Installing firmware
1) Download the correct firmware and we throw it in the root of the memory card
2) Go to TWRP Recovery
3) Choose Wipe (and drag the slider to the right, it will delete all your data on your phone)
4) Select the Advanced Wipe, Dalvik Cache select and drag the slider to the right
5) Choose install
6) Select the file, follow the instructions of the installer, wait until the installation is complete
7) Reboot / system (sometimes the phone turns itself after the firmware.)
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