Download latest Android KitKat 4.4.2 112k4 stock firmware for Tronsmart R28 / Beelink R89 / Tomato R89 TV Boxes

Download latest Android KitKat 4.4.2 111k4 stock firmware for Tronsmart R28 / Beelink R89 / Tomato R89 TV Boxes from here or from here. Download previous  version from here.

Firmware details
Firmware: Beelink_R89_RK3288_112K4
Model: Tronsmart R28 / Beelink R89 / Tomato R89 TV Boxes
Archive size: 479 MB

Platform: Rockchip RK3288

How to flash unpacked firmware
1. Inside: AndroidTool_Release_v2.3 - tool for reflashing, DriverAssitant - tool to install drivers and firmware parts (kernel, recovery, boot, etc..).
2. If it first time, you need to install drivers use DriverAssitant or manual when connecting device
3. Run AndroidTool_Release_v2.3/AndroidTool.exe
4. Find recovery button on device, press and hold it.
5. Connect device to PC via USB OTG port
6. PC will found new device and install drivers (or you need install it manually), then you may release recovery button.
7. Press Run button in AndroidTool_Release_v2.3 and wait end of process.

- By default data partition is 2gb. If you need choose another parameter file (second field in AndroidTool) from root folder.
- If you need update your device without full reflash, uncheck "parameter" and "misc". Partitions size will not de updated.

Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data. 

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