become red!! new color for Galaxy S I9000 in HK player xda5 10.08 player xda5 i have heard that Samsung will launch a red I9000, and now, here it is (is it in pink actually?) source : Tweet Share Share Share Share Tentang Admin RF Kami adalah sekumpulan orang yang menyukai perkembangan teknologi Related Post performance for different file systems and slice_sync in Froyoperformed some tests days before and I would like to share the results with all of you. the result Android ICS available on 15 Marchthe latest news (or rumor) about the official release date for Android ICS on Samsung Galaxy S2 is some reviews about my worksjust found some articles/reviews talking about my sms mod and loop device mod. i am really appreciaI9300XXDLH8 final beta before official release? (Odin version download available)UPDATE8: I9300XXDLI8 Samsung SGS3 JB Odin download availableUPDATE7: I9300XXDLI5 Android 4.1.1 JB f
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